Learn Thai with a Sentence a Day!
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Learn. Share. Solve Thai.
Learn a sentence a day to keep consistent, daily practice.
Add sentences to your Anki deck to practice with spaced repetition system.
SolveThai.com is a community for Thai language learners! Visit the community page here, resources here, and put your email in above to get started.
A special thanks to Learn Thai with พร for putting together the sentences and spending time helping people learn Thai. This project was inspired by making further use out of all the amazing work she has done over the years.
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Welcome to the SolveThai.com, a community for Thai language learners! You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to join discussions and access our other features.
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Existing Resources Pages, YouTube Channels, Thai Language Learning Blogs, Dictionaries, Thai Radio/TV Online, Thai News / Content, Mobile Apps and More.